====== Introduction ====== ---- The Chinese accounting framework is commonly referred to as: * the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) or * the Chinese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Chinese GAAP). ---- ====== The Fixed Assets Valuation Method ====== ---- ===== Differences ===== **IFRS**: allows the use of both the historical cost method and the possibility of re-evaluating the asset(s). **Chinese GAAP**: Companies can only use the historical cost method to valuate fixed and intangible assets. ===== Effects ===== Since the historical cost method does not allow for the re-evaluation of assets, which means there is the possibility for impairment losses of certain long-term assets, such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investments (other than financial assets) and investment property. ---- ====== Fiscal Year ====== ---- ===== Differences ===== **IFRS**: The company’s fiscal year can start at any point throughout the year provided that it encompasses a period of 12 consecutive months. **Chinese GAAP**: must start from January 1st and no exceptions are provided. ---- ====== Classification of Expenses ====== ---- ===== Differences ===== **IFRS**: Expenses are classified by nature. **Chinese GAAP**: Expenses are classified according to function. ----